Vast expanse of blue sea, plains, hills, mountains, blue sky, sunny, everything is a natural environment. Environment includes the natural environment, including the physical environment, biology, and culture.

"Environment is unity with all things space, power, state, and living things, including humans and their behavior, which affect the lives and well-being of humans and other living creatures."How to collect forest products in order to stay awake kelesteriannya example by selective cutting of trees are cut down just a big old trees, small trees that were previously protected by a large tree, it will quickly become a great replace the felled trees.
Preserving the environment is a necessity that can not be postponed again and not only the responsibility of government or heads of state alone, but the responsibility of every human being on earth, from toddlers to seniors. Everyone should make an effort to save the environment around us in accordance with their respective capacities. Any small business that we do is very beneficial for the realization of the habitable earth for future generations of our children and grandchildren.

 Government's efforts to achieve a just and prosperous life for its people without causing environmental damage followed by drafting sustainable development program is often referred to as the environmentally sound development.

  People on earth always need to eat, minum.tempat live, and also requires pakaian.Maka of the people always need help on the environment directly.

 Green plants both large and small have their respective roles. The following are the benefits of greening:
1.As a patron, trees protect us from the sun, dust,harmful gases, dampen noise and so forth.

2.Many plants are a source of food for humans and animals. By going green means we provide more food.

3.water storage
keeping climate
aesthetic benefits

 Until man duplicates a blade of grass, Nature can laugh at the so-called scientific knowledge. Drugs from chemicals will never stand favorable comparison with the products of Nature, the living cell plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life.
 If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a shoe. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing of the forest and making the earth bald before his time, he considered industrious and enterprising citizen.

Sea, mountains, islands, sky, earth, outer space belongs to God the Father.

Plants, Animals, Birds, trees also belong to Him

Are always given to us for life.

To always maintain and protect the universe.

When we make mistakes and forget our duty

Maintain, protect and preserve the universe,

Then the universe would have demanded the right of us,

Once the universe always give our obligations.

This is natural justice

If the Rights of the universe has not been fulfilled,

Means the universe will get angry and
Arose during major disasters - a certain period.


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